The John Campea Podcast

The John Campea Podcast: Episode 39 - Critics VS Audience Ratings, Where's Gambit?



On this episode of The John Campea Podcast (recorded Monday August 8th 2016) John talks about the following topics:1) Delays on Gambit2) Jimmy Smits appearing in Rogue One FAN QUESTIONS:Winnie Cooper writes: Hi John, I wanted to get your unique perspective on an angle of the DC vs Marvel critical reception that I haven't heard anyone talking about specifically. And that is the critic/audience approval ratings difference for Marvel and DC movies. Let me show you what I mean. When you look at critics vs audience ratings on Rotten Tomatoes for Marvel films they are pretty much in lock step, with most of the films at 0-5% difference between critics and audiences. In fact, in 13 movies only one (Thor 2) has a double digit difference (of +12% for audiences), with Marvel movies averaging +1.77% for audiences. But the differences are drastic with DCEU movies. +20% audience approval for MoS, +38% for BvS and as of the date of this email a whopping +47% for Suicide Squad. That's an average of +35% audience rating for D