The John Campea Podcast

The John Campea Podcast Episode 41 - John Returning To Movie Talk, Leto's Joker



On this episode of The John Campea Podcast (recorded Monday September 5th 2016) John talks about the following:1) Ann’s dad 2) John Williams concert3) New schedule with joining Movie Talk Again FAN QUESTIONS:Philip Dagostino writes: Hey John, really excited you’re making your triumphant return to movie talk this week,but as a long time fan I have to ask: why do you keep leaving and returning? Isn’t this like the 3rd time? Are you sticking around this time? Not trying to give you a hard time, just really needed to ask.Chris Warden writes: What up John? I hope you & Anne had a great summer. Is there any chance you can publicly debunk this rumor going around that Suicide Squad needs to make 800 million dollars at the worldwide box-office just to break even? I personally can't see any studio head greenlighting a film project that needs to make that much to break even as the risk is just too high. John Michael Klobuchar writes: What are your thoughts on people who say Star Wars The Force Awakens, will rec