Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Let go of the “last supper” mentality : Amber Sandberg: 362



Do you find you have "last supper" mentality? Always thinking you need to eat everything in site before your diet begins. In today's episode of the Mom Inspired Show, I am going to be talking about why it's so important to finish the year strong.  As moms it's so easy to say I can't do this right now, I am too busy, I put the kids before my own needs, I am too overwhelmed and just give up. I share with you how to navigate the next two months even if you had more Halloween candy then you anticipated, if you have holiday parties to attend, vacation plans and guests to host.  Hear what I have to say about this topic and more on the podcast. Podcast Road Map This roadmap will take you step-by-step through the TOP 10 Best & Most Effective weight loss podcast episodes. My hopes is we get our first call done in Nov and Dec we talk about your goals and get you excited for the possibility of changing things up and seeing results. In Jan. we will start and