Watch This With Rick Ramos

#464 - Hard Times - WatchThis W/RickRamos



1933 . . . Words Didn't Buy Much - Walter Hill's Hard Times  On this week's episode, Mr. Ramos celebrates his 49th birthday looking at the purpose and drive of WatchThis W/RickRamos, some of his favorite films, why he loves them as he does, and culminating with a look at one of his favorite films, Walter Hill's directorial debut, Hard Times (1975). Why this films is a longstanding favorite is a mystery, however it is one that our illustrious host works to understand. Featuring wonderful performances from Charles Bronson as Chaney, James Coburn as Speed, Strother Martin as Poe, and exceptional supporting performances from Jill Ireland, Nick Dimitri, Robert Tessier, and Michael McGuire Hard Times continues to hold onto Ramos's imagination and soul. This was a fun episode. Hopefully you'll enjoy the reminiscing. If you have something to contribute you can correspond with Rick Ramos at Many Thanks. As always, we continue to look to you good and loyal listeners for support. If you have listen