Innovation In Compliance With Tom Fox

David CM Carter on Unlocking Your Ultimate Potential through the Entelechy Academy



Innovation comes in many areas, and compliance professionals need to not only be ready for it but embrace it. One of those areas is telehealth and telemedicine. My guest in this episode is David CM Carter, founder of the Entelechy Academy. David Carter is a seasoned entrepreneur and business expert with a diverse background in corporate finance and investment banking. He has worked in seven different countries over ten years, owned and operated golf and country clubs, and authored a book published in 138 countries. Carter's perspective on Entelechy Academy's approach to personalized professional development is that it democratizes the mentoring and coaching services previously only available to a select few. He sees the academy as his legacy project, combining all his career experiences into one final endeavor focusing on character development to help individuals achieve their full potential. Carter emphasizes the importance of return on investment and offers a transformative phase that includes ongoing data