Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

546 | Your New Job: Chief Behavior Officer



Use the timestamps below to guide you better as a leader or individual:Defining and shaping company culture. 0:00Chris LoCurto discusses the role of a Chief Behavior Officer, defining culture as actions and attitudes.He argues that leaders should shape culture, rather than simply expecting good behavior from employees.Chris LoCurto emphasizes the importance of defining and shaping a great culture in a company or family, as it brings power and momentum when everyone is moving in the same direction.He contrasts this with a poor culture, where gossip, backstabbing, and low morale hinder progress and create a toxic work environment.Building trust and vulnerability in leadership teams. 4:56Chris LoCurto highlights the lack of trust as a common issue among leadership teams, noting that even when team members think they trust each other, they may not be vulnerable enough to truly communicate and collaborate effectively.He emphasizes the importance of vulnerability in building trust and deepening communication within