Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy

Chat GPT- Your New Favorite Team Member | E133



AI through Chat GPT is a resource you can leverage to complete tasks you don’t want to do. It can be set up to automatically document and organize various administrative elements you’ve probably been put off doing. Chat GPT isn’t the only one out there but it’s the one I like best. It makes things like research, content creation, policies and procedures, and so many more things much easier, especially if you find yourself mired down in detailed tasks. So let’s talk Chat GPT, you new favorite team member. “The trick is just knowing how to ask it for what you want… Just like delegating and transferring ownership to someone on the team to get results done, you have to still get good at how you posit the request.” – Kris Plachy What You’ll Learn Complete tasks you hate Create content easier Assemble policies and procedures Properly positing requests Not about replacing people Contact Info and Recommended Resources Live Class on How to Use Chat GPT: Tune in November 3 at 10:30 a.m. Pacific Time. Register and