
Trump v Biden 1: The Battle of America (07.10.20)



In this very first episode of Pollster US 2020, we take a look at the current state of the US Election campaigns – and there’s a lot to cover. We’ve had the first presidential debate, Trump got corona, and a new Supreme Court Justice has been nominated.   How will all this affect the two presidential candidates’ chances of winning?   How will The Blue Wall come in to play? Why is it so important? And by the way – what is it?   It had a tremendous effect on the 2016 election – how will the candidates handle it this time around?   Join us for a closer look across the Atlantic, as the Danish political advisor Sune Steffen Hansen is joined by democratic strategist from Washington D.C. Jim Arkedis and republican strategist from South Carolina Chip Felkel.   What is really going on over there?! Part one: Intro (0:19) Part two: Trump and Corona (1:48) Part three: The Blue Wall (22:34) Hosts: Sune Steffen Hansen, Jim Arkedis and Chip FelkelProducer: Thomas Nørskov   Made in cooperation with A4 Media