Limit Free Life With Michelle Perkins

EP 103 Telling Your Money Where To Go!



How much thought and consideration have you given to a financial freedom strategy? Do you know who you want to BE with money vs. what you should invest in. Curtis May had great insights and was very entertaining to listen to (always welcome in the finance world). Curtis May is the creator and owner of Practical Wealth Advisors (PWA) and host of The Practical Wealth Show Podcast. The primary focus of his financial planning firm is to help individuals and families become financially free by following the principles of wealth creation that have endured for centuries around the world. As the host of his popular podcast, “The Practical Wealth Show,” and in his individual meetings with clients, Curtis teaches people that their number one financial asset is their knowledge. The more they know, the lower their risk, and the greater their chance of success over time. He feels strongly that financial products are simply tools. What makes the biggest difference in people’s lives isn’t the product, it’s how they use