Ecommerce Evolution

Episode 256 - Unlevel the Field with Generative AI



Are you dabbling with generative AI or using it to gain a competitive advantage? Are you getting better at using AI or staying the same? If you're like some professionals I know, maybe you've gotten frustrated with only slight gains using AI, so you've moved on.I'll admit, I'm still just dabbling compared to my buddy Fred.Fred Vallaeys is one of the smartest dudes I know. His perspective on AI is inspiring and sure to get your wheels turning. But first, take a peek at Fred's resume! One of the first 500 employees at GoogleHe was on the team that acquired Urchin, the precursor to Google Analytics He was on the original Quality Score teamHe was one of the original 6 people who built the AdWords editorNow, he's the co-founder and CEO of Optmyzr and the author of 2 amazing books.Here's a look at the taste AI morsels we chew on in this episode:Practical ways to use Generative AI that you might be missing.How to ground the AI so it doesn't "hallucinate."Understanding the best LLMs and how t