Peak Reality Check

Westside Fire Evacuation Concerns.


Synopsis WARNING! This podcast is a prime example of elected officials and a city administration NOT listening to the people in order to protect the incompetent and special interests at the expense of citizens, their lives, and property. Developers spent upwards of $2 million buying our City Council, and they are delivering as programmed - not only that, Councilmember Risley and Councilmember Leinweber are boldly saying we need to approve these developments faster as their citizens stand before them in tears.  So, we must have a fund ready to file lawsuits on the most egregious developments that risk human and animal life.  It's our only hope, and if everyone gives just a little, it can grow to be a significant fund to help stop these continual risks to our public safety until we get better leadership.     Isn't it worth it to skip a latte or burger for a day and donate that to save lives?   Legal Defense Fund