Black Mirror Cracked

The Waldo Moment



It's not really a fan favourite, but @MirrorTech's Jeff Parsons (@jparsons989) and @MirrorPolitics' Mikey Smith (@mikeysmith) like it, so this week they've joined the podcast to tell you why The Waldo Moment matters.A cartoon figure who says that politicians are rubbish (but runs for office alongside them), that the political system is rubbish (but competes for power within it) and is inexplicably popular with large swathes of the public - it's no wonder that people see the rise of President Donald Trump foretold in this episode.Looking to the future, does the growing influence of the tech sector over all of our lives mean that a Mark Zuckerberg run for office will one day be dominating our newsfeeds? Or at least the Animoji version of him??--Welcome to Black Mirror Cracked - your podcast for all things Black Mirror.We alternate between episode analysis and interviews with Black Mirror cast and crew, with a new podcast released every Friday morning (GMT).For more Black Mirror stuff, join the conversation in t