Black Mirror Cracked

Black Museum's Aldis Hodge wants a puppy for Carrie



Aldis Hodge (@AldisHodge) joins the podcast to talk about Jack, Carrie, That Monkey and all things Black Museum. A Black Mirror fan before he was sent the script, Hodge jumped at the chance to be part of the show.There's a light-hearted way to look at the episode: Rolo Haynes's ridiculous theatricality, Jack's new girlfriend pinning the monkey up against the wall, "our hands" [groan]. Black Museum also tackles racial politics in Trump's America: a tough subject, but an absolutely necessary one. Just look at how this week's airwaves have been dominated by Childish Gambino's 'This is America' video."The lack of understanding the pain that you're causing with the weapon you're causing it with - only to gain more for yourself personally - is exactly indicative of Rolo Haynes," Hodge says. It also sounds like how a historian might one day sum up our grimly regressive era. --Welcome to Black Mirror Cracked - the podcast for all your Black Mirror needs.We alternate between episode analysis and interviews with Black