Aubrey Marcus Podcast

Israel-Hamas: The Impossible Questions w/ Dr. Marc Gafni # 435



Note to Listener from Aubrey Marcus and Dr. Marc Gafni We are at a time between worlds, at a time between stories. We live in a world of outrageous pain. We live in a world of outrageous beauty. We live in a world of outrageous love. In this time between stories, we step beyond the old stories of good and evil in its primitive forms. But that does not mean that we are moral relativists or that value is not real. Indeed all of reality, all of life is Value. We can feel the truth of this in our bodies. We may not be able to explain it perfectly, but when we feel we know. And this is what gives us courage to stand on the side of Life. And to stand on the side of Life is to take a side. A stand for Life, is by nature a stand against anti-Life, or anti-Value. What that means about what should be done is a question of impossible complexity, pain and uncertainty.  We stand for a culture of Eros against a culture of death. We stand for intimacy against alienation. This requires us to be both tender and fierce, to sta