Watch This With Rick Ramos

#461 - An American Werewolf in London - WatchThis W/RickRamos



Full Moon Fever: John Landis's An American Werewolf in London Halloween is around the corner . . . this week Mr. Chavez & I continue our look into the Horror Genre with a screening and discussion of John Landis's 1981 Horror Classic, An American Werewolf in London. There's a whole lot going on in Landis's film (some good, some bad, some exteme), but the great gift - that it continues to deliver on - is the introduction of Special Effects and Make-Up Master, Rick Baker. On this week's episode we discuss what we feel Landis did right, what he did wrong, as well as the film's lasting impact on the entire make-up and special effects industry. Baker won a richly deserved Oscar (an award created specifically for his groundbreaking work) at the '81 Academy Awards. Take a listen and let us know what you think. It's a fun and interesting talk detailing the film, Landis's career, the history of Horror films, and the importance of the genre itself. Let us know what you think . . .  As always, w