Work @ Home Rockstar Podcast

WHR 3.141: From Sole Proprietorship to Successful S Corp with Denise Cagan



Ever felt the cold grip of uncertainty choke your ambitions as a business owner? Denise Cagan, CEO of DCA Virtual Business Support, has walked that path and emerged victorious. In a candid chat, she takes us on her journey of transforming a faltering business into a successful venture within a year's span. Her secret weapon? A trio of mentors, coaches, and advisors. Denise also recounts her experience of transitioning from a sole proprietorship to an S corp, a costly error that taught her the value of sound knowledge and resources in making substantial business decisions. Learn from her experiences, avoid the pitfalls, and chart your own course to success. Who is Denise Cagan?   Denise Cagan is the Founder of DCA Virtual Business Support. Her company offers VASuperheros, social media management, graphic design, and website support for growing businesses. Denise Cagan started her first company while still working as a QA Manager at Coca-Cola. After a year of doing both, she moved on to become a full-time bus