Ride Every Stride | Horsemanship And Personal Growth With Van Hargis

The 4 Important Questions - RES008



What are the 4 questions we should ask ourselves each time we work with our horses, and how can they help us become better horsemen and horsewomen? (And these questions are incredibly useful in everyday life as well.) The 4 Questions 1.  What do you want? 2.  Is what you want fair? 3.  Can you communicate what you want in a way your horse can understand? 4.  How will you measure the results? Listen to the episode to hear how these questions apply both to horsemanship and humanship. What do you think? We want to hear your questions, comments, and suggestions. Share them in the comments section below, reach out to us on the Van Hargis Horsemanship Facebook page, or email me! We want your suggestions for topics we can address in future episodes, so if there’s a particular area where you’re struggling, or just curious, let us know! We’d Love to Have Your Help Spreading the Word If you enjoy this podcast and think others would like it too, please consider rating and reviewing Ride Ever