Moments With Marianne

The Activist Leader with Lucy Parker



Have the roles and expectations of large corporations changed in our social landscapes? Tune in for a discussion with Lucy Parker on her new #book The Activist Leader: A New Mindset for Doing Business.#MomentsWithMarianne airs in the Southern California area on KMET1490AM & 98.1 FM, an ABC Talk News Radio Affiliate! Lucy Parker is a former BBC documentary maker. She moved into business as a coach to executives on strategic communications. Today she is well-known as a top corporate advisor. In government, she led the UK Prime Minister’s Taskforce on Talent and Enterprise. For more show information visit: #readinglist #books #bookish #author #authorinterview #KMET1490AM #radioshow #booklover #mustread #reading #bookstagram #leadership #business #businesssuccess #Harper360