Utah Weekly Forum With Rebecca Cressman

Donating Life Through Transplants



April is National Donate Life Month and across the U.S., 104,000 people are currently waiting for a kidney, liver, pancreas, heart or lungs on the organ transplant list.  In Utah, 900 people are on that waiting list. But Intermountain Health is encouraging residents to talk to their families about becoming a living or deceased donor so that neighbors, family members, and others  waiting for those lifesaving organs won’t have to wait so long. In this episode of Utah Weekly Forum, Dr. Jean Botha, transplant surgeon and medical director of Intermountain Health’s abdominal transplant program explains the advances Intermountain Health has made as the premier organ transplant provider in the Intermountain West and the benefits of giving the gift of life through organ donation. To become a living donor. Go to Intermountainhealthcare.org/DonateLife