Utah Weekly Forum With Rebecca Cressman

Celebrating Utah’s Hispanic Community



For more than 20 years, the non-profit organization Alliance Community Services has provided vital health, legal, and social growth services to Utah’s underserved Latino community. Now, they are inviting all in Utah to join them to celebrate “20 Years of Empowering the Hispanic Community” at a gala fundraiser at the Little America on Sept. 7th, 2023. The gala will raise awareness of the organization, honor the achievements of the past, and provide future support for Utah’s only Hispanic breast cancer support group called “Las Triunfadoras.” In this episode of Utah Weekly Forum, FM100.3 Host Rebecca Cressman is joined by Alliance Community Services C.E.O. and Founder Jorge Arce-Larreta and Cancer Program Director Gabriela Portugal. To connect for more information, resources, or gala tickets, call 801-265-1111 or visit Alliance-Community.org.