Boutique Chat

From the Vault: 5 Critical Tips for Holiday Sales



Every Friday I’m re-releasing one of my favorite episodes from seasons past to revisit my conversations with early guests and the business advice and practices they share! Up this week is a Season 1 Solo intended to help you prep for the holidays and boost fourth quarter sales. Do you know where Black Friday got its name? Well traditionally, retailers were in the red financially all year, but when the holiday shopping season hit they moved into the black. Hopefully, that’s not the case for you but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take advantage of this powerful season. This week we are diving into 5 critical tips to help you maximize the busiest season in retail and push you into a powerful next season. Want more tips, strategies, and sales boosters? Click here to watch our 6 Secrets to Double Your Holiday Sales video and to enroll in The Boutique Hub’s Holiday Marketing Masterclass. For show notes click here. Original release date: Nov. 16, 2018 Resources: The Boutique Hub:  Website | Facebook | Instagr