Watch This With Rick Ramos

#459 - Suspiria (1977) - WatchThis W/RickRamos



Bloody Giallo - Dario Argento's Suspiria This week Ibrahim & I dive into the world of Italian Giallo Cinema with a look at Dario Argento's 1977 "masterpiece" Suspiria. Combining violence, sexploitation, the supernatural, and vibrant color, Argento's film is one that is considered one of the most influential films in the genre. For those familiar with the podcast it should come as no surprise that one of us dislikes this film and one of us wholeheartedly embraces it. Take a listen for a spirited conversation. . . it's a good time. You can reach us at  As always, we continue to look to you good and loyal listeners for support. If you have listened and enjoyed our bantering over these nearly eight years please feel free to support us with a monetary contribution. We're not asking for a whole lot. Whatever you can give is appreciated. Follow the link below to contribute.  Our Continued Thanks.