The One Thing

400. Get Back on Track with John Schumacher



We're already midway through 2023. Perhaps, like many of us, you've found yourself veering off the path to your goals. It's a common occurrence, but recognizing this and knowing how to course correct is the key to ongoing progress.In this special 400th episode of The ONE Thing Podcast, I'm joined by John Schumacher, one of our most experienced coaches and trainers, for an enlightening discussion. John and I delve into the root causes of why we might drift away from our goals and more importantly, how we can regain our bearings and get back on track.It's normal to fall behind, but giving up should never be an option. Instead, we need to understand the factors that led us astray, adjust our course, and keep moving forward. Now, let's take some time to introspect, understand what might be causing us to deviate, and explore how we can get back on track with our goals alongside John Schumacher.Interested in discovering your purpose, identifying your values, and using these to prioritize what truly matters? Then jo