Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

Profitable Business By Design: Manifesting Your Success Season



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Welcome to "Profitable Business by Design: Manifesting Your Success Season," a masterclass tailored exclusively for Human Design Manifestors seeking to align their business ventures with the natural flow of energy and create a prosperous and sustainable enterprise. As a Manifestor, you possess a unique energy that can greatly influence your business success. However, many Manifestors face the common struggle of trying to force their businesses into profitability prematurely, leading to frustration and burnout. This masterclass is here to guide you in understanding the perfect timing and seasons for generating a profitable business while staying true to your Manifestor nature. Key Talking Points: * Harmonizing with Your Business Seasons: Learn how to identify the right seasons for your business growth and when to patiently wait for the optimal timing.
 * Aligning with Energetically Aligned Clients: Discover the power of attracting clients and services that resonate with