Watch This With Rick Ramos

#458 - The Company of Wolves - WatchThis W/RickRamos



Dark, Wild Woods: Neil Jordan's The Company of Wolves This week Mr. Chavez & I sink into the world of Fairy Tales and Warped Childrens' Stories to examine Director Neil Jordan's 1984 Horror/Fairy Tale The Company of Wolves. This is an intersting film with beautiful production design. One of us appreciates it more than the other and so the arguments begin. Take a listen as we discuss fairy tales as allegory, the storied history of werewolves in cinema and literature, as well as Neil Jordan's filmography. It's an interesting conversation that we know you will appreciate.   You can reach us at As always, we continue to look to you good and loyal listeners for support. If you have listened and enjoyed our bantering over these nearly eight years please feel free to support us with a monetary contribution. We're not asking for a whole lot. Whatever you can give is appreciated. Follow the link below to contribute.  Our Continued Thanks.