Why Struggle? Podcast W Barbara J. Faison

Week 39 - Gratitude as a Practice is Self-Care



Week 39 - Gratitude as a Practice is Self-Care All the Links - linktr.ee/barbarafaison Greetings! My mission is to use my voice to heal, educate and inspire by sharing tools to help people live life better. I have embraced gratitude as an attitude and a practice. I do have moments of “why me” and “what in the world is going on” - and I have learned to find the gratitude in the experience.At one time we thought the brain was fixed and couldn’t be changed. Science continues to discover that we have the ability to change our brain and gratitude is one way we can reshape our brain. Enhanced optimism, better sleep and lower levels of anxiety and depression are a few of the benefits of practicing gratitude. I love having the science to back up what used be called, whoo whoo. lol. As soon as I become aware that I am alive and awake, thank you, God are my first words. A few years ago my husband, TD, and I started saying our morning prayers before he would leave for work and they always start with…thank you, God… a