San Marcos Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

October 1, 2017 "Who Am I?" Rev. Christian Schmidt, UU Church of Berkeley, CA



Our identities, complex and multi-faceted, affect the way we see the world, how we are treated, and what matters most to us. The first step to forming deep, meaningful, diverse religious community is owning our own personal identities and acknowledging what that means for us, then beginning to understand others' identities. Rev. Schmidt is a native Texan who was born and raised in Austin, lived in Houston and College Station, and attended Austin Presbyterian Seminary before moving east to attend Andover Newton Theological School in Massachusetts. He and his wife, the Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt, served churches in Massachusetts and New Jersey for six years before being called as Senior Co-Ministers of the UU Church of Berkeley, CA, 2 years ago. They now live in the San Francisco Bay area with their two young sons, CJ and John.