Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy

Leading Like a Coach: How Sports-inspired Accountability Can Transform Your Team | E127



In sports, the person who shows up, puts in the hard work, and listens to the coach gets the spot. Just being on the team isn’t enough. You don’t perform, you’re benched. Slack off enough, you’re gone. We not only accept this in athletics, we expect it. Why? Because it’s both logical and effective. So why don’t we treat our businesses the same way? I submit that we ought to. After all, this is why sports metaphors abound and are highly applicable. They’re logical and effective. Let’s talk about how you can transform your team by leading like a coach.  “What we do as leaders is we spend all our time asking, ‘What’s wrong with all these players? Why aren’t they doing their jobs?’... Well, why would they? They get to keep the job and not do the job.” – Kris Plachy What You’ll Learn Continually earning your spot Lack of clarity Lack of coaching Dealing with what we’ve built Transferring blame and gaslighting Working through the discomfort Contact Info and Recommended Resources FREE! Get Kris’ Lead With Conf