Inspired Conversations With Amy Schuber

487 Sebastian Terry, Founder of 100 Things and Kindsum, The Meeting Place for Human Kindness



Sebastian Terry realized at the age of 27 that like most people, he has not achieved anything on his long-forgotten list. The death of a close friend combined with a naturally abstract view on life sparks a moment of clarity. In the midst of overseas trip, Sebastian decides to put pen to paper and re-create a list of 100 Things. His goal, to tick off everything. It’s the start of a crazy, no holds barred adventure that sees Sebastian travel to the ends of the earth on a quest to prove that anything is possible, including true fulfillment. Along the way his life transformed and he has now founded another company called Kindsum, the meeting place for human kindness. Amy and Sebastian talk about how his journey into his list of 100 things started and where it took him along the way and how it transformed him in unexpected ways. Learn. Create. Thrive.