Beyond The To-do List

Chris Ducker on Priority, Strategy, Reputation and Relationships



Chris Ducker is Known as the “Virtual CEO” and regarded as the number-one authority on the subject of virtual staffing and personal outsourcing. Chris Ducker is a serial entrepreneur who owns and operates three businesses in the Philippines, amounting to almost three hundred employees, including a call center, a recruitment consultancy, and a co-working space to support local startup entrepreneurs. This time Chris is back to talk about his new book, as well as how relationships and reputation matter. He also shares about his priority of family and relationships and strategies he has put in place for that. This is Chris’ second time on the show. You can find his first episode here: Delegation: Chris Ducker talks staffing and delegating for tasks, roles and team building – BTTDL062 Delegation: Chris Ducker talks staffing and delegating for tasks, roles and team building – BTTDL062 Mentioned in this episode: Rise of the Youpreneur: The Definitive Guide to Becoming the Go-To Leader in Your Industry and Building