Sudden Death With Jose Volonte & Bryan Feldman

Straight Bet Sports w/ Jose V. & Ian B. - John Madden has passed, and it’s open season! - Episode 90



Straight Bet Sports w/ Jose V. and Ian B. Live on The Guerilla Cross Radio Network Streaming live on the Guerilla Cross app, the Guerilla Cross YouTube page, Twitter page and Facebook page as well by clicking any of the links below: With it being the end of the year and 2021 finally coming to an end, tonight’s show will be a completely open format where we will just give our thoughts on how the year played out, air out any grievances or anything we may want to get off of our chest, so if there’s anything that you feel you need to get off of your chest feel free to give us a call tonight or chime in on social media. Maybe it’s something you do not like about our show, or maybe it’s something that you do not like that is going on in the world or the world of sports in general, we want to hear from you tonight! The only topic that does matter tonight that we will be talking about, is the passing of none oth