

Paul Bauer is the founder of DreamsAlive. , a company that helps people move beyond the limits of the mind and discover their innate gifts and strengths. He’s helped over 20,000 people in over 60 countries transform their inner blocks into breakthroughs in their health, finances, career and inner spirituality. He holds transformational retreats that help people clear whatever stops them from living their lives with clarity, energy and abundance. During his wife’s health crisis, Paul discovered Essential Oils, and after that life­ changing event, a whole new world of possibilities opened to him. Paul now uses Essential Oils in all his programs because of their incredible ability to heal at levels beyond just the physical. See full show notes for this episode HERE. (You can also leave a comment there on the site) Connect with Paul  New to essential oils? Master the basics with our FREE Essential Oils Course. Our website is View hundreds of Essential Oil Recipes in our DIY Dugout