The Essential Oil Revolution | Essential Oils, Aromatherapy, And Healthy Living By Samantha Lee Wright |powered By Revolution

355: From Kindergarten Teacher to Aroma Jewelry Maker w/ Robin Lee



Robin Lee was once a full-time Kindergarten teacher enjoying the occasional use of essential oils for herself and in the classroom. But, noticing a gap in the market of aroma jewelry –– mainly the lack of chique, elegant diffuser jewelry options –– she began making her own as a hobby. One year later she quit her teaching job and became a full-time entrepreneur. Listen to her story on today's show. See full show notes for this episode HERE. Leave us a review while you’re there. Learn more about Robin Lee and her awesome jewelry HERE. Connect with her on IG HERE or on FB HERE. Lookin’ for some podcast goodies? I’ve got ya covered! Shop our t-shirts, swag, and other popular products HERE New to essential oils? Here is my free guide to help you demystify this topic  FREE Essential Oils Guide. Our website is View hundreds of Essential Oil Recipes in our DIY Dugout Thank you to our amazing sponsors. Heard about a product you’d like to try? View our list of sponsors HERE and help us kee