Look Forward

Episode 240: The PP will REIGN!!!



This week on Look Forward, Jay and Andy return with guest, T'ara, to discuss the first day of the Biden/Harris administration, Trump pardoning 143 people on his last full day in office, EOs getting signed, Biden's immigration plan, China sanctioning Trump folks, finally a federal response to COVID-19, and much more. IT'S A BRAND NEW DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHOW NOTES Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are sworn in as President and Vice officially How we got hereWhere we are goingTrump pardons 143 people one day before leaving officeWhy are you thinking about it, just do it!Getting to work right awayBiden re-enters the Paris Climate AgreementBiden kills construction on the dumb border wallBiden’s Immigration in 8 planDNI has been confirmed by the SenateChina sanctions Trump officials on Day 1 of the Biden administrationNational Response to COVID is now in the works Amazon has volunteered to helpThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.sp