Look Forward

Episode 243: He Deserves Your Hatred



This week on Look Forward, Jay and Andy return to discuss the unsurprising acquittal of Donald Trump by the Republicans in the Senate, the internal war between Trump and the McConnell factions of the GOP, Texas suffering massive power outages, Biden making huge deals to get more vaccination doses, Cancer does something right, and much more!   SHOW NOTES Trump acquitted by the Senate after being impeached againTrump attacks McConnell in a scathing letterBiden administration secures 200 million more vaccinesBiden starts staffing a commission on Supreme Court reformTexas is a mess after a massive winter stormCancer, welcome to the resistance!!!!Schumer, Warren, (and AOC) all pushing for $50k student loan relief after Biden says noThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5941717/advertisement