Look Forward

Episode 273: Don‘t Ask Jay, Ask Jeeves



This week on Look Forward, Jay and Brad return to discuss the up to the minute election news in New Jersey, Virginia, New York, and elsewhere, NYPD vs vaccine mandates, FEC rules in a possible nightmare scenario, Brett Kavanaugh asks a valuable question about the Texas abortion ban, Josh Hawley goes after porn and video games, Qanon folks really going for it in Texas, and much more! SHOW NOTES Tonight is Election Night!New York City Police Union vs The Reality of Vaccine MandatesFEC allows for a simply disastrous precedent to be createdExamples worth discussing from 2020Brett Kavanaugh asks a very good question during Texas abortion ban caseJosh Hawley attacks the hosts of Dense Pixels and their audience directly! THIS WEEK IN STUPID Newsmax Star Claims Vaccines Contain ‘Bioluminescent’ Tracker Linked to DevilCrowd of nutters show up in Dallas to await the return of JFK Jr., seriously!This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://w