Look Forward

Episode 307: Learn to Play the Game



This week on Look Forward, Jay and Brad return to discuss even more details from the Mar-a-Lago FBI search, the ludicrous idea of a Trump Library, Biden releases student debt forgiveness plan, NY-10 race is hard lesson for progressives, Liz Cheney's next move, the race for the worst Carolina, more disastrous numbers for Republicans when it comes to voter registration, Hershel Walker returns to the docket, and much more. Stories: Trump Kept More Than 300 Pages of Classified Documents, Letter From National Archives SaysI may have committed some light treasonBut muh library!!!!Biden drops student loan forgiveness detailsNY-10 Race for Progressive StupidityLiz Cheney loses primary, what’s her next move?North Carolina Republican: 5th graders and below shouldn’t be taught science and historyWomen in Pennsylvania are dominating voter registrations since Roe was knocked downThe DOJ wrongly withheld parts of the Mueller investigation on Trump and Russia Bang-On or Bullshit Dude we fucking told you THIS WEEK IN STUPID