Look Forward

Episode 325: Florida and Texas Battle for the Worst State



This week on Look Forward, Jay and Brad return to discuss media mogul Rupert Murdoch and his media empire, Fox News, which are being investigated by the Federal Election Commission for possible violations related to the airing of Joe Biden's campaign ads. The investigation is focused on whether Jared Kushner leaked information about the ads to Fox News, which then aired the ads before they were supposed to. If found guilty, Murdoch and Fox News could face massive fines. In other news, pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly has announced that they will cap the price of insulin at $35 per month for people with diabetes. According to Healthline, this move could potentially pressure other companies to follow suit and address rising healthcare costs. This news comes amid growing outrage over the high cost of healthcare in America and the role that pharmaceutical companies play in driving up costs. However, critics argue that more needs to be done to address the root causes of healthcare costs, including systemic issues