Movie Trivia Schmoedown

Favreau and Filoni To Have Larger Role On The Star Wars Films?! - SEN LIVE #14



On today's show, Kristian is joined by Winston Marshall, RB3, Ben Goddard and special guests Josh Robert Thompson and Mike Kalinowski! We talk about Filoni and Favreau to have larger role in the Star Wars films? Robocop has a new director/writer and what's going on with that Joker sequel?! Josh Robert Thompson intro-2:15 Mike is fed up-3:15 George Lucas shows up-4:30 Obama vs Goldblum-6:20 Josh Robert Thompsons origins-7:50 Arnold talks to Arnold-8:30 Kate calls in-10:00 Holly Hunter vs Jeff Goldblum-11:00 schmoebot is on!-14:00 Schmoedown questions-16:00 Goldblum vs Busey-17:40 Baby Yoda talk-22:30 Things get hectic-23:50 George Lucas meets Dumbledore-25:30 Lucas loved the deep fake-27:00 A lot of celebrities talk about The Avengers-30:00 Josh has some weaknesses?-35:30 Mike loves the schmoebot-39:30 Josh big break-40:15 Rocha and Dorina want Mike-44:00 Less known impressions-45:15 Dealing with online people-46:20 Favreau and Filoni taking Star Wars?-50:30 RB3 never gets mad-1:02:20 Spectacular promo-1:04:30