
How To Deal With Opposition to You and Your Ideas



Episode 34 is all about the topic of opposition.  Specifically, it’s about dealing with OPPOSITION to you and your ideas.  How do you deal with it?  Do you enjoy it?  Or, is the thought of it so terrifying, that you avoid it?    For some of us, we don’t have a choice.  Opposition comes with the job.   Or, we didn’t intend to encounter it, but we must, because there it is whether we like it or not.   Maybe you've already found that the more successful, visible, confident, outspoken and articulate you are, the more opposition you face.  When you are a true power-player and a perceived as a leader, this comes with the job and you must be prepared to deal witih it.  The only way to do it is to increase your awareness, practice and train. This can be particularly challenging for women and minorities who deal with increased resistance and micro-aggression and who lack role models or mentors to show them how it's done. Listen in where we discuss all things opposition.... how to react with grace under pressure and ho