Gary Renard Podcast

Gary Renard Podcast - ep053



Episode 53: The "Questions for Gary at Christmas!" Podcast – As promised in the last show (Ep. 52), Gary and Gene devote an entire podcast to questions submitted by listeners; some just recently, and some from the archives. The first several brief questions come from the same listener: How do we know when the ego has been undone? When the Course says to "forgive the world", does that mean we are to renounce the world? Does the ego love the body…or wish to kill it? And, how can I see beyond the body when I am in physical pain, or even emotional distress? The next question comes from a listener in Argentina who asks, "If I get healed in regard to a problem I'm having, will I simply find another problem in 'the script' that will be just as painful?" Next question asks: If God is in communication with me all the time, why don't I hear God? Why don't I feel God? Next: A question regarding something Pursah said about massage techniques. (Gene's lovely wife Helen will enjoy hearing this