

In this episode, the guys discuss how to adjust your mindset to conquer uncontrollable & inevitable variables along your journey.  Secret Takeaways Don’t look at the problems of your adversity. Focus on the solution that will bring joy in the end.  What’s the cost of completing or not completing the responsibilities you have? Evaluate the cost of what could suffer and make adjustments to avoid it. Some factors that can cause problems are money, emotional & mental frustrations.  “What God has intended for you, will be for you.” Let go of your will and submit to God! It is then you’ll begin seeing what you’ve prayed for.  Don’t allow people to put their inabilities on you! Keep walking the journey that God has called you to do.  Questions 1) How well do you deal with adversity?  2) How do you view the problems you encounter? Problem or solution minded.  3) What’s your why? Do you rely on it when adversity arrives? 4) How will you benefit once you defeat the Goliath in your life? Let that serve as moti