Innovation In Compliance With Tom Fox

Chris Lehman on Navigating the Wild West: Digital Compliance Strategies



Innovation comes in many areas and compliance professionals need to not only be ready for it but embrace it. One of those areas is telehealth and telemedicine. My guest in this episode is Chris Lehman, CEO at Safeguard Cyber who visits with me to discuss the challenges and importance of managing risk in digital compliance. The conversation focuses on the shift in communication channels from email to platforms like Slack and social media, highlighting the human factor as the biggest risk in compliance strategies. Lehman emphasizes the need for companies to prioritize compliance and good corporate governance in these new communication channels. To manage risk, companies should treat digital compliance as a risk management process, gaining visibility into employee communication tools, establishing policies, training employees, and utilizing technology.  We also highlight the tension between compliance teams and line of business teams, emphasizing the need for compliance teams to be enablers and strategic partner