Unleash Your Inner Creative With Lauren Lograsso

Why You Need a Trip Back Home



In this episode, you'll hear from host, Lauren LoGrasso as she explores the importance of taking a trip back home to heal, rejuvenate, be with the people who understand you and open yourself up to stories you might have forgotten. Learn why you, too, may need a trip back home! "If you feel blessed to be from where you're from, and you're displaced...and you're feeling overwhelmed and you're getting wrapped up in things that don't really matter, I highly recommend a trip back home to remind you that who you are is more important than what you do. And if home is painful for you, then seek out the people, places and things that remind you that you matter...and that you're a person to be believed in, loved and cherished." -Lauren LoGrasso, on going home ;) On The Unleash Your Inner Creative: If you like what you hear, remember to rate, review, subscribe and tell a friend! And, join our creative community by following @UnleashYourInnerCreative on Instagram & Facebook and @UrInnerCreative on Twitter! Follow hos