Unleash Your Inner Creative With Lauren Lograsso

What I Learned From Slowing Down Pt. 2: I Feel Bad About Tiktok, Fear-Based Decisions + Ego Death



I am back with the second half of the lessons I learned from taking my break and also just some revelations I've had from the past few weeks of being alive/pursuing a creative path.  It turns out a I learned a lot from this time and wanted to share my findings with you. Check out this episode to learn:      -How to never make a fear-based decision again [at 2 mins]      -Why it's not the work you don't like, it's just the way you're doing it-and how to change [at 6 mins]      -The importance of taking the long way around [at 10 mins]      -The power of a good creative partnership [at 13 mins]     -Why there might be a reason that you're dragging your feet [at 16 mins]     -A big lesson I learned from a tip jar about life[at 20 mins]    -Why People only appreciate what they pay for  [at 23 mins]    -Why none of us should feel badly about tiktok (even though I kind of do)  [at 28 mins]    -The power of Ego Death [at 28 mins]    -The are consequences of building too big too fast and how to find beauty in the g