Passive Income Cave

Sample Copyright Page for Self-Published Book: A Comprehensive Guide



How to do the copyright page for self published book? CLICK to find out! =================================================== ☆★☆ FREE Self-Publishing Secrets Checklist! ☆★☆ ⁠⁠   ☆★☆ FREE 1-On-1 Discovery Session With Chris! ☆★☆ ⁠⁠   =================================================== ☆★☆ COURSE: Content Marketing Made Easy For Self-Publishers ☆★☆ ⁠⁠  ☆★☆ Join the Self-Publisher 1-On-1 Program (while slots are available) ☆★☆ ⁠⁠  ☆★☆ Group Coaching for Self-Publishers with Chris! ☆★☆ ⁠⁠   ☆★☆ COURSE: Book Formatting Made Easy For Self-Publishers ☆★☆ ⁠⁠  ☆★☆TESTIMONIAL: If I have helped you, please take 1 minute and leave me feedback here ☆★☆ ⁠⁠   ======================