Why Struggle? Podcast W Barbara J. Faison

Week 33 - Finding JOY!



Week 33 - Finding JOY! You can read AND see pictures my blog - barbarafaison.com/blog All the links are here - LINKTR.EE/BARBARAFAISON What is joy? According to the dictionary, it’s a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. When was the last time you felt that feeling? I mean PURE JOY? On Friday night, my friend, Bonnie and I went out salsa dancing. On the way to the club, The Sanctuary, Bonnie and I tried to remember the last time we were “really” out dancing. We knew it was before “RONA” AKA, Covid 19, and we were pretty sure it was in 2019. Well thanks to Facebook I was able to take it back to Bonnie’s birthday in April 2019. Had it really been four years? Oh my! If you are new or want to know more about my salsa journey and these awesome friends, check out Week 26 - Music and Lasting Friendships. Over 11 years ago I discovered I had osteoarthritis in my right hip and right knee, so my dancing has been a bit limited for the past few years. Physical therapy last year helped a lot even though I have pain mo