Manly Pinterest Tips Podcast With Jeff Sieh

Pinterest and Avocados…Say what?



Jeff Sieh talks with Rob Russo, cofounder of Avocado Shirt Co.  Rob represents the tip of the spear when it comes to avocado and guacamole-branded merchandise. A legion of ‘guac’ fans has discovered the upstart shirt company in a big way. And lots of those discoveries were made on social media, including Pinterest.  Listen in to see how, using social media, Rob was able to crack the code and curate an excited, engaged fan base. Rob Russo is a professional graphic designer that recently escaped the corporate cubicle. He has a slight obsession with guacamole (which fueled his recent startup that was successfully funded on Kickstarter, Avocado Shirt Co .) and is partner and creative director of his latest business venture, HagerRusso, a strategic marketing firm. He combines his love for design and social media to teach entrepreneurs, social managers and small business owners the value of visual marketing. He's a blogger and is preparing his first soon-to-be-released online training program.