Manly Pinterest Tips Podcast With Jeff Sieh

Creating a Social Media Hub With Ralph Rivera



If this week's episode of  “The Manly Pinterest Tips Show” had a theme, it would be “work strategically.” That's easier said than done, right? Don't panic- help is here! In his first ever appearance on the show, Ralph Rivera (programmer and web developer extraordinaire) is brimming with useful tips on how to make a plan, use the right tools, and work smart. Whether you're interested in using Triberr to boost your online presence and build online relationships or are considering the possibility of launching your own podcast, Ralph's advice is to look at all your options and see what fits. Ralph is a programmer and web developer who is the co-owner and technical genius behind both Web.Search.Social and Rahvalor Interactive, where he’s in charge of keeping his team of programmers, coders and developers on track building custom websites and applications. If you need to make things happen on the web in a way that ties into your big-picture marketing goals, Ralph is the one to do it.