:15 With Andy, Randy, & Jeff

Episode 54: God Grows His Church



Descriptive or prescriptive? Many have chosen to look at the behaviors of the early church as causal to the growth of the church. This thinking has also extended to conclude that, if we want God’s church to grow today, we need to do what the early church did. Certainly, there are some principles behind the practices that may lead to a healthier church community, but this week’s text reveals the source of church growth.One of our #fhcTAKEAWAYS this week asked the question: * How innovative and engaged with the culture should the church be today for the sake of the gospel going to the world? AND Where might God be calling you to excellence in secular culture for kingdom benefit? These two are joined at the hip in my mind and for many also a source of discomfort. Being wrapped in a safety bubble of our church, our denomination, our own bible study, our own “religion” so to speak, is so much safer and SO much easier than being engaged in with the culture. Being engaged means being vulnerable and empathetic,